Cute and delicious food art
Hi, I'm Yuki. I make cartoon-like food art to express my love for healthy eating.
Natural ingredients only
There's no need to use chemicals to dye your food. Nature is your ingredients.
Vegan and Vegetarian
What you see on Yukitchen doesn't contain any meat products.
Except, you know, Jabba the Hutt.
Childhood into a dish
My food art is inspired by my inner child.
Cooking is a place for me to express my regression, with a table spoon of nostalgia.
No Oil Creamy Hummus
I really don’t know how to put this, but I’m really not used to oils, any oils. I know many of you love olive oils, and I tried so many times to like it in my life, but it is what it is; I really prefer my food without oil. So I made hummus without…
No Sugar Banana Bread
So far, my banana bread is my number-one requested food in real life. My people really like this, so I keep baking and baking the same thing; because I love validations. I think we all need them sometimes. My banana bread is probably tasty beacsue; One, no added sugar — If you use 4 ripe bananas, you really…
Domo-kun Christmas Pudding
When a Japanese girl keeps making Christmas pudding every month, she eventually wonders if she could break the British tradition and make it more Japan. It was a fine morning in early April when I was making my 4th Christmas Pudding in Bangkok, an idea popped up in my mind. “I think I could just ditch…
Jabba The Pie
When people tell you who they are, Maya Angelou famously said, believe them. However, when people try to tell you who you are, don’t believe them. But when they keep calling you “cutie pie” even though you don’t really know them, forget Maya and believe nothing but your own pie. You see, life is like…
Pacman Furofuki Daikon
You see, I gained 7 pounds around the time when I made this recipe. It’s just 7 pounds, and I know that it’s silly to worry about such a minor predicament; I have much bigger problems to deal with. But Japanese women, I believe, actually feel the same as western women about weight; we desire the…
Pumpkin Smoothie with Soot Sprites
These are “Makkuro-Kurosuke” from My Neighbor Totoro, and also “Susuwatari” from Spirited Away. The translated version of their names often disappoints me, because it’s just “Soot Sprites”. Soot Sprites…. I got the sentiments, but it kills the subtlety of Japanese goodness when I see the word “sprites”, -a supernatural entity in European mythology (i.e. Wikipedia). To us…
Chewbacca Hummus
When I first saw Star Wars, I didn’t really understand it. I was around 9, keeping myself busy with learning how to write my name in Kanji, so I figured I was just too little to understand it. A decade later, I watched it again with a grown-up mind, and I remember I loved it,…
How to make Sake Raisin
You see, I love Rum Raisin. And one day I wondered if they love me back. According to my google search, here is what I learned: Regular Rum Raisin Recipe 1 cup raisins 1 cup dark rum 3⁄4 cup sugar 6 egg yolks 2 cups milk 2 cups heavy cream 1 tbsp. vanilla extract “6…
Gluten Free! Domo kun Biscotti
Domo kun is underestimated in Japan. You see him everywhere outside of Japan but not so much in his homeland. One of the many reasons why Japanese should travel more is that they can find out how much our culture is affecting a lot of people outside of our country. I was shocked to see how many…
Rilakkuma Scrambled Eggs
Most young kids will run after mom if she tries to leave them alone with a stranger. But according to a study, kids who haven’t bonded well with their mothers—psychologists call it “insecurely attached”—will rather stay behind with a security blanket. And in my case, it was always stuffed animals. They say kids with secure…