Cute and delicious food art
Hi, I'm Yuki. I make cartoon-like food art to express my love for healthy eating.

Natural ingredients only
There's no need to use chemicals to dye your food. Nature is your ingredients.

Vegan and Vegetarian
What you see on Yukitchen doesn't contain any meat products.
Except, you know, Jabba the Hutt.

Childhood into a dish
My food art is inspired by my inner child.
Cooking is a place for me to express my regression, with a table spoon of nostalgia.

Nigaoe(Caricature) Cookies
“Nigaoe(似顔絵)”(ni-gah-oh-eh) is a caricature. It’s a portrait realistically drawn by capturing or deforming the appearance and characteristics of a person. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always loved drawing nigaoe. I find people’s faces fascinating. It’s the wrinkles, the freckles, and the idiosyncrasies on their faces that I find them so beautiful. And the…

Pacman Furofuki Daikon
You see, I gained 7 pounds around the time when I made this recipe. It’s just 7 pounds, and I know that it’s silly to worry about such a minor predicament; I have much bigger problems to deal with. But Japanese women, I believe, actually feel the same as western women about weight; we desire the…

Panda Chia Pudding
Flaxseeds and chia seeds. Protein, fiber, and omega 3. There are so many recipes and articles about the so-called “superfoods”, and I’m afraid I became one of them who would soak oats and seeds overnight with my crazy dimples. It makes me so happy when I make this rejuvenatingly delicious breakfast. The trend of the…

Gluten Free! Domo kun Biscotti
Domo kun is underestimated in Japan. You see him everywhere outside of Japan but not so much in his homeland. One of the many reasons why Japanese should travel more is that they can find out how much our culture is affecting a lot of people outside of our country. I was shocked to see how many…

Yubaba Miso Soup
This is Yubaba, from the film Spirited Away. She looks so scary to me; her head is bigger than a screen! But what I found scarier than her physical appearance is her magical skill of stealing people’s names, or I should say, stealing their identities. To me, she represents a modern corporation. When you work in…

Choco-Banana Rilakkuma Toast
This week I purchased a western food called “Nutella” for the first time in my life. I’m aware that Nutella is a wildly common food throughout the US and Europe, but not in Japan. I lived in the states for seven years, yet I promised myself never to lose my Bushido (the way of a samurai)…

Chewbacca Hummus
When I first saw Star Wars, I didn’t really understand it. I was around 9, keeping myself busy with learning how to write my name in Kanji, so I figured I was just too little to understand it. A decade later, I watched it again with a grown-up mind, and I remember I loved it,…

How to make Coffee Amazake
What is “Amazake”? Amazake (甘酒) is a traditional sweet, low or non-alcohol Japanese drink made from fermented rice. We’ve been drinking this thing for more than 2000 years to date, according to my Wikipedia search. You see, I love amazake. It’s my go-to winter drink, ever since I was little. Since there was almost no alcohol, I felt…

It’s not meatloaf. It’s “Neatloaf”! Neatloaf and I first met at a restaurant called Jyoti-Bihanga in San Diego back in 2011. It was love at first “bite”. It was so juicy, so tender, and it gave me a sense of hope that I will have no problem becoming fully vegetarian one day. It was one of those…

Super Mario’s Grain Salad
Humans have no superpowers. There are no superheroes. We all know that by now. But sometimes I’m skeptical, probably because there’s a part of me who is still in denial. Perhaps I was too young when I first watched “superheroes” on TV; it gave me an illusion of hope, that there must be someone with…